Coffee Marketing: The Importance Of A Strategic Marketing Plan

Everybody running a company should have the benefit of planning.   So what do you miss if you don’t have a working planning process in an existing company? You miss the opportunity to use that planning process to steer and manage your company. You need to manage change, correcting the course, keeping the long-term objectives of your marketing in mind.

Does your company develop an annual plan to polish its strategy, focus on main priorities, and manage its cash? Every business, including coffee marketing businesses, needs to plan. As an owner or manager of a small or medium business, can you afford not to plan?  What you need to do is plan to manage your growth proactively.

You could call it a strategic coffee marketing plan, annual plan, operational plan,  the name doesn’t matter as much as the management of it. While these kinds of plans are common in larger enterprises, they are surprisingly rare in small and medium business.

The benefit of a coffee business marketing plan is that you can guide your growth. Your business will grow or not depending on a lot of different factors, including overall economic trends, location, specific  coffee marketing needs, hard work, and other elements. Businesses that plan do it to guide and influence their growth, so that they move proactively towards defined objectives rather than just reacting to business events are far more successful.

Allocate resources where they will do the most good. Work towards your strengths and away from your weaknesses. Develop the company by doing the most important things, according to your long-term objectives.

A good plan gives you a place to develop organizational responsibilities and track your progress. Think of a plan as a business positioning device. With a plan, you can track your progress towards goals, measure results, and manage the business. Without a plan, how do you tell whether or not you are moving in the right direction? What do you measure against?

Regardless of the name you use, strategic coffee marketing plan or annual plan or operational plan, the vast majority of these plans include strategy. Strategy is focus, it guides your growth. Strategy assigns priorities. Of the whole range of possible market segments, and the whole range of services and possible sales which are your main priorities? Any good coffee marketingstrategy is often a matter of understanding when and how to say no, selecting opportunities.

One of the most important gains from an annual coffee marketing plan is the financial plan, which of course hinges on cash flow. A business needs to stress its priorities by making sure they get the right amount of money. Growth costs cash.

Marketing programs:

1. Social Media Marketing  Twitter and Facebook posts increase your rank on Google
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Increased keyword tags and content influences rankings on Google
3. Pay Per Click  Advertising (PPC) Google Adwords programs help your Google rankings and increase qualified sales traffic
4. Business Influence Marketing LinkedIn groups postings are seen on Google and refer business customers to your site
5. Blog Sharing PR Log, Digg, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Technorati, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  are all effective referral sites and help rankings on Google as well as refer traffic to your site.

David Schwartz
SOS Business Development